Cross-correlation functions: constraints: [datenuit ='20001127'],[imanum ='0024'][Elodie Archive]
label value unit description
objnameGJ0263 Designation of object
positionJ070417.7-103032J2000 position
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datenuit20001127beginning of observation night
imanum0024spectra sequence number
typeobj Cross-correlated fiber (object or sky)
masqueR37000K0Cross-correlation mask
imatypOBTHstype of observation
exptim 1500.8sexposure time
sn 9signal/noise in order 47
vfit -20.067km/sFitted radial velocity (first peak of the correlation function)
sigfit 4.978km/s1-sigma width of the first correlation peak
ampfit 0.0432Amplitude of the first correlation peak
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label value unit description
objnameGJ0263 Designation of object
positionJ070417.7-103032J2000 position
SSLink to Simbad database
OOSearch Sophie spectra
datenuit20001127beginning of observation night
imanum0024spectra sequence number
typeobj Cross-correlated fiber (object or sky)
masqueprive1 Cross-correlation mask
imatypOBTHstype of observation
exptim 1500.8sexposure time
sn 9signal/noise in order 47
vfit -20.206km/sFitted radial velocity (first peak of the correlation function)
sigfit 4.169km/s1-sigma width of the first correlation peak
ampfit 0.0745Amplitude of the first correlation peak
view_ccfview_ccfPlot the CCF
get_ccfget_ccfDownload the CCF
search_specsearch_specSearch the spectra for these CCF

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